Les conséquences de l'introduction du SMIC en Allemagne :

Les conséquences de l'introduction du SMIC en Allemagne :

Un article (en anglais , accessible à un élève de terminale) dont le résumé :

"Abstract: The introduction of minimum wages is on top of the political agenda in
Germany. Minimum wages are often seen as a tool to ensure an acceptable standard of
living. However, their introduction would have a number of disadvantages. In
particular, minimum wages can worsen the employment perspectives of low income
groups in the labour force, for example the low qualified, part time employees,
pensioners, the unemployed as well as pupils and students. They would also have a
negative impact on small firms. In a regional perspective, minimum wages can distort
the performance of the East German labour market. Based on SOEP data from DIW
Berlin, this contribution offers some microeconomic insights on the potential coverage
and likely consequences of minimum wages."

Pour lire l'intégralité de l'article de Brenke K, Dreger C., DIW cliquez sur :
Introduction of minimum wages in Germany: Coverage and consequences, Microeconomic evidence based on the SOEP

Cet article s'intègre dans un numéro consacré aux politiques sociales en Europe, à leurs réformes et pose la question de l'existence d'un modèle social européen :

Economic Assessment of the Euro Area:

Forecasts and Policy Analysis

(Click here to download the report as .pdf)

A Special Policy Issue: "European Social Model(s) and Social Europe"

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